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Welcome to the HGS Support site. This website has been created as a resource to offer a personal learning and healing environment with the goal to apply the fundamental tools necessary to access the hierogamic field, known as the HGS. HGS Support is overlit by the Guardian Host as an extension of energeticsynthesis.com. We realize that there is so much variety in the individual Ascension Stages, and in the earlier stages when we are learning to embody our inner core, recover our soul aspects, connecting to the Hieros Gamos System may be overwhelming to navigate alone. This website has been lovingly created by HGS Stewards to assist in the support of others whom are guided to connect with the HGS. Please take in only what feels right for you and discard the rest. However, we have some quick suggestions on how to begin right now. First, take a 30 day challenge with the 12D Shield and refocusing your Ego Mind and see the results you get with daily use!
The following is important information and steps to introduce you to the HGS material and provide tools to get started calibrating right away! Take this information in at your own pace, however, remain consistent and dedicated with your practice and you will experience many improvements, such as mental and emotional freedom.
The Information Presented on the HGS Support website reflects the Guardian Perspective of the Ascension Timeline (2012 Timelines and Beyond) and this information is intended as support, both energetically and educationally, for Humanity. Our Spiritual Family has accepted the Guardianship role to support the foundation of Cosmic Citizenship through Unity consciousness as an evolutionary model for this planet and humanity, and the HGS Support tools are offered as an Earth based advocacy designed for those people awakening now. There is absolutely no value difference given on the role each person has chosen for its expression. The Guardian Groups mission directive is rehabilitation of the hologram, repairing its energetic architecture (DNA), embodying the Ascended Human Protoform, supplying informational context on Ascension dynamics and Exopolitic E.T. Agendas and reeducating both human and non-human's to be congruently aligned to the Universal Law of One. Freedom, Fraternity, and the Sovereign Right of All Beings to be a Knower of God Source is protected by the Collective Unity Vow shared among our Universal Guardian Groups.
The Law of One comprises the necessary principles of behavior, practices and belief systems that humanity is required to learn in order to achieve spiritual freedom and sovereignty, by committing to re-educate themselves to expand consciousness into higher frequency realities that allow them to progress into the future GSFTimelines, during the Ascension Cycle. The HGS has been manifested on the earth in alignment to serve Universal Law, and to protect the soveriegnty and freedom of those individuals whom choose their intent, consent and authority with the One.
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Six Foods That Increase Fertility In Men And Women
Parenthood is a phase of joy and ecstasy and every expecting parent try to prepare their best for the imminent baby in the family. There are many food items that help in boosting the fertility in humans. These food items avoid miscarriage in women and enhance fertility in men. The fertility enhancing food products must have high nutrients value along with increased antioxidant percentage in it.
The food eaten by you may have a long term effect on your level of fertility. Especially the couple who may be planning a baby, must go for food items that are effective in fertility enhancement. A diet filled with fats and calories may have negative impacts on your fertility and also a very strict diet that makes you starve may hamper the extent of fertility in your body. The source of carbohydrates should be whole meal products and protein must also be consumed in good quantity for a successful conception. Try to limit your alcohol and caffeine intake since it may have a negative impact on your rate of fertility.
1. Garlic
Garlic has always been associated with various health advantages but the aphrodisiac properties present in the garlic help in improved blood circulation in the body. Eating garlic raw everyday on empty stomach helps to fight infertility, lowers blood pressure and cholesterol.
2. Fish
Most of the fishes are very high in fatty acid contents that help in enhancing the fertility in your body. The blood circulation around the reproductive system is increased with the help of the essential fatty acids present inside the fish. Autocad civil 3d 2019 object enabler. The quality of sperm can also be improved with the fatty acids which are found in the fish. Make sure that you do not eat any mercury containing fish, in case you are trying to conceive. Mercury may remain inside your body system for almost a year which may affect your fertility in long run.
3. Fresh Fruits
The quality and the potential of sperms and ovules can be improved with the help of Vitamin C which is found in greater quantities in many fruits. Fruits like orange, sweet lime, lemon and mangoes are very supportive in increasing the fertility in our body. These fruits also have higher level of antioxidants that offers you better fertility.
4. Nuts
Parenthood is a phase of joy and ecstasy and every expecting parent try to prepare their best for the imminent baby in the family. There are many food items that help in boosting the fertility in humans. These food items avoid miscarriage in women and enhance fertility in men. The fertility enhancing food products must have high nutrients value along with increased antioxidant percentage in it.
The food eaten by you may have a long term effect on your level of fertility. Especially the couple who may be planning a baby, must go for food items that are effective in fertility enhancement. A diet filled with fats and calories may have negative impacts on your fertility and also a very strict diet that makes you starve may hamper the extent of fertility in your body. The source of carbohydrates should be whole meal products and protein must also be consumed in good quantity for a successful conception. Try to limit your alcohol and caffeine intake since it may have a negative impact on your rate of fertility.
1. Garlic
Garlic has always been associated with various health advantages but the aphrodisiac properties present in the garlic help in improved blood circulation in the body. Eating garlic raw everyday on empty stomach helps to fight infertility, lowers blood pressure and cholesterol.
2. Fish
Most of the fishes are very high in fatty acid contents that help in enhancing the fertility in your body. The blood circulation around the reproductive system is increased with the help of the essential fatty acids present inside the fish. Autocad civil 3d 2019 object enabler. The quality of sperm can also be improved with the fatty acids which are found in the fish. Make sure that you do not eat any mercury containing fish, in case you are trying to conceive. Mercury may remain inside your body system for almost a year which may affect your fertility in long run.
3. Fresh Fruits
The quality and the potential of sperms and ovules can be improved with the help of Vitamin C which is found in greater quantities in many fruits. Fruits like orange, sweet lime, lemon and mangoes are very supportive in increasing the fertility in our body. These fruits also have higher level of antioxidants that offers you better fertility.
4. Nuts
Almonds and walnuts are filled with Vitamin E that prevents the miscarriage by tendering the higher level of protection to the embryos. Almonds are also considered to assist in the development and mental growth of the foetus.
5. Eggs
Fertility is greatly affected by the Vitamin B12 and folate which are easily present inside the eggs. Eggs do offer a lot of protein that helps in the cell development and cell division of the growing embryos. The birth defects can be minimized with the help of the folate which is present inside the eggs. The folic acid present inside the eggs is the major factor responsible for the development of brain in the baby. Eggs also have antioxidants and caretenoids that boost the level of fertility in men and women.
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6. Full Cream Milk
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Whole milk and dairy products filled with cream are believed to increase your productivity. Women who consume yoghurt and full cream milk on daily basis are found to be more fertile as compare to women who do not drink milk. A full fat diet can help women to conceive and fight infertility as well.